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Patient Account Overview

Let's review the patient's account in WebPT Billing.

Patient Chart

In the patient chart, you can click on the toolbar at the top of the screen to jump to specific sections within the chart or you can simply scroll through the patient chart to find the section you need to review.

Patient Header Toolbar

You have the option to add new notes, print patient receipts, and view patient details by utilizing the upper right toolbar in the patient chart.

Edit Demographics

If you need to edit information in the patient chart, click  Edit Patient.

Medicare Cap

Use the Medicare Cap section to add in the dollar amounts applied toward the Medicare Cap for visits not in WebPT Billing. To add an amount, click Edit Patient.


The Financial section displays the patient’s Account Summary, which provides a high-level view of the charges, payments, adjustments, and balances for the patient and their insurance. You can also mark whether the patient is on a Payment Plan or in Collections. Important: If you would like the patient to appear as in Collections on their chart in the WebPT EMR, follow these instructions.

You can also view the patient’s ledger in the Financial section, which allows you to create reports for Ledger Full, Ledger Visit, Visit Log, Billing History, Demand Statement, and Form Letters.

Create Report
  1. To view more details on each financial report, click on Create Report. For this example, we’ll choose Ledger Full.
  2. In the Ledger Full report, you can view all dates of service, charges, how much was paid, the total balance, and use the link in the EOB section to view the patient’s ERA. You can also click on the Date of Service to view each CPT code and any payments made on it, allowing you to review the information in a more granular view.
  3. You can also click on the Charge ID to view more details associated with the CPT code, including information about payments, posted date, transfer amounts, and deposit date. You’ll also be able to see a claim log.

Statement and Payments

The Statement and Payments section allows you to view the Patient Statement Log and the Patient Payment Log, by selecting Create Report.


The Cases section shows the active cases associated with the selected patient. Because patient cases are imported from the WebPT EMR, you won’t usually need to create a case directly in WebPT Billing. However, if you would like to create a self-pay case, you can do so by clicking on New Case.

You can click on the ID of an active case listed to view more details associated with that specific case.

Finally, you can check the box to Show Inactive Cases for the selected patient.

Account Notes

Account Notes are the primary method for communicating the status of the patient’s account. Choosing the appropriate Note Code and Stick On status is crucial to successful account follow-up. Click here to learn more.

Medical Record

The Medical Record section provides a list of Output Reports and Scanned Documents from RevFlow associated with the selected patient.

Important: The Medical Record section is only available for RevFlow Conversion members, to view patients' past records from RevFlow. Upload new documents in the WebPT EMR, follow these steps to do so.

Print Patient Forms

The Print Patient Forms section provides a list of patient forms for you to select by clicking the  bubble next to the form.

Once you have selected the form to print, then click the Print Selected Documents button at the bottom of the screen.

You are also able to preview the form before clicking Print to officially print the selected form.

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