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Form Letters

Patient letters can be automatically generated from the patient's account. 

  1. When in the patient’s account, select Financial.
  2. From the Financial section, locate the Form Letters and (A) select the letter type, (B) choose which case, and (C) then click Create Report.
  3. The system generates the letter for WebPT Billing's global templates with the patient's information. Click Print at the bottom right corner.
  4. Confirm if the letter will be provided to the patient.
    1. If you click Yes, an account note is generated with the title of the letter, the date, and the name of the user who printed the letter.
    2. If you click No, an account note is not generated on the patient’s account.
  5. Once you confirm, the Print window will populate. If the form looks good as is, click Save. If you need to customize, click on the More Settings dropdown and follow the Formatting Form Letters instructions below.
  6. Note: Printing the letters from an Internet Explorer browser will generate 2 pages printed, whereas printing from a Chrome browser will generate a single page.

Formatting Form Letters

Customize your formatting options so that form letters print consistently.

  1. From the Print window, select More Settings.
  2. Once the settings open, you can customize the Margins, Scale, and/or Options. We recommend selecting Custom from the Margins dropdown and entering 1" into the box for both vertical guidelines. Tip: Uncheck the Headers and footers box to remove information from the top and bottom of the letter that would appear on each page like date, letter type, web address, and page numbers.
  3. When you have finished formatting your letter, click Save to print.
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