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Account Setup Overview

Let’s review how to set up your WebPT Billing account, which you may hear referred to as your “database.” There are key tasks that must be completed prior to enabling your integration and after enablement. 

Pre-Integration Enablement: Account Setup 

Completing the Account Setup steps is crucial, as many of the choices made here will impact your billing later. Your Integration Go-Live day will only be set after each item has been completed.

Complete the following items in order: 

  1. Finish Company Setup
  2. Add Locations
  3. Build Fee Schedule
  4. Create Users
  5. Begin EDI Enrollments

Important: Do not touch any other parts of the application during your setup process. This can negatively impact the integration. 

Post-Integration Enablement: Account Completion 

Once your integration has been enabled, there are a few steps you’ll need to take to complete your account setup. The majority of these items can be located on the Incomplete Constants report.

  1. Map Insurances
  2. Enable Procedure Codes
  3. Setup and Enable Provider Credentials
  4. Complete Referring Physician Information

Any charges with constants that have not been set up will not bill out of the system. 

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