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Balancing Visits

We recommend balancing your visits daily. 

Important Balancing Notes

  • Due to automatic scrubbing rules that are programmed into WebPT Billing, the number of units may not be accurate. For example: If a payer only reimburses up to 2 units of a service code but the provider billed for 3 units, the system will automatically remove the extra unit. Thus, the WebPT EMR will display 3 units while WebPT Billing will only show 2 units. There is no report to see what was scrubbed off, which is why we do not recommend you balance by charges. 
  • SOAP 1.0: If you use the NORCM CPT Code or No Charges this Visit (NC001) checkbox to prevent certain patient documentation from flowing into WebPT Billing, your visit count will be higher in the WebPT EMR Reports. This is because the NORCM/NC001 codes ensure the visit does not flow into WebPT Billing. Note: We recommend using NORCM instead of NC001 as NORCM allows you to document the treatment codes provided during the service.
  • When balancing by Finalized Date (WebPT EMR) and Created Date (WebPT Billing), you may find discrepancies in your totals. This happens when a charge is finalized in the WebPT EMR and ends up on the Billing Exceptions report in WebPT Billing. Let's review an example: Charges are finalized on 11/4 and get held on the Billing Exceptions Report. Because those charges haven't imported into WebPT Billing, they have not been assigned a Created Date. On 11/5, the error on those charges is resolved, and the charges successfully import into WebPT Billing with a Created Date of 11/5. So, while the charges will have a Finalized Date of 11/4 in the WebPT EMR, their Created Date is 11/5, so that date won't balance. This is why we recommend balancing weekly.

Note:  There may be reasons why your visit count in WebPT Billing differs from the visit count in the WebPT EMR and Analytics. This article,  Data Collection Workflows: Avoiding Inconsistent Visit Counts in the EMR and Billing, will tackle two common questions that occur when comparing your Analytics and Billing data.

Balancing Visits (SOAP 1.0)

Before You Balance
  1. In WebPT, review the Claims Feed Report and verify that all Financial transmissions were successful. To do this, you will need to review the Not Sent status for the Claims Feed Report and the Not-Rebilled status. Change the Reconciliation Mode to Transmission to view these statuses. 
  2. In WebPT Billing, resolve any entries located on the Billing Exceptions Report.
Balancing Visits
  1. In WebPT EMR, navigate to the Billing Report.
  2. Run the report for the desired Date of Service and locate the header that displays the total Visits and Units.
  3. In WebPT Billing, open the Reports menu and select Charge Audit Summary.
  4. Fill out the required fields to run the report, then click Search.
    1. Location: Narrow down the report by selecting the same Location as the EMR Billing Report.
    2. Date Type: You want to compare both the EMR and Billing reports by Date of Service.
    3. Date Range: Select the desired Date Range for the Date of Service.
  5. Compare the total Visits between the two reports to ensure they match. 

Important: If you use the NORCM CPT Code to prevent certain patient documentation from flowing into WebPT Billing, your visit count will be higher in the WebPT EMR. This is because the NORCM code ensures the visit does not flow into WebPT Billing. 

Confirming New Patient Visits

To verify the number of new patient visits, you can use the Billing Report and WebPT Billing's Insurance Class Summary report. Note: If you are a SOAP 2.0 clinic, click here to learn how to balance.

  1. On the WebPT Billing Report, sort by CPT Code.
  2. Locate all sections for IE codes (i.e. 97161, 97162, and 97163) and sum the total number of units. Don’t forget to check separate entries for CPT codes with modifiers.  
  3. On WebPT Billing’s Insurance Class Summary report, find the total number of new visits under the New Patients column. Compare the totals between the two reports to ensure they match.

Balancing Visits (SOAP 2.0)

Before You Balance
  1. In WebPT, review the Analytics Documented Units Report to review all notes that were finalized as Do Not Bill or with 0 units.
  2. In WebPT Billing, resolve any entries located on the Billing Exceptions Report for all locations.
Balancing Visits
  1. In the WebPT EMR, open Analytics.
  2. From the Reports menu, choose Documented Visits.

  3. Enter the desired Date Range to run the report.
  4. Click on the Patient Name column and select Aggregate > Count to see a total patient count.
  5. In WebPT Billing, open the Reports menu and select Charge Audit Summary.
  6. Run the report by Location and the same Date Range used to run the Documented Visits report.
  7. Compare the total Visits between the two reports to ensure they match.
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