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Balancing Patient Payments

It is recommended that you balance your patient payments between the two systems on a weekly basis.


Balancing Patient Payments (SOAP 1.0)

  1. In the WebPT EMR, navigate to the Payment Log.

  2. Select Date of Transaction from the Group By drop-down and click Generate Report.
  3. In WebPT Billing, open the Payments menu and select Payment Balancing. Tip: You can use the Full Access variation of this report to see payments that were posted by the RCM staff at WebPT.
  4. Select the same Location you just ran the Payment Log for in the WebPT EMR. Select Deposit Date from the By drop-down. Enter the same date range in the From and Through Date fields. Click Search.
  5. From the records shown, filter the results to display only payments collected through the integration. For the User header, click on the Filter icon and select Integration Import, Not mapped to a user, then click Filter

    Tip: To automatically calculate a total, you can Group the report by the User column.

  6. Compare the payment totals. 
    1. WebPT Billing: Payment Balancing

    2. WebPT EMR: Payment Log

    Note: The Internal Payment charge type does not flow into WebPT Billing, which is why we are excluding it from our calculation. You can change which charge types appear in WebPT Billing in your clinic settings.

Balancing Patient Payments (SOAP 2.0)

  1. In the WebPT EMR, open Analytics.
  2. From the Visits menu, choose Payment Log.
  3. Select the Date Range and Date of Transaction - by Patient for View Data By.
  4. Once the search criteria is entered, the data will automatically load below. A breakdown of Amount Due and Paid by each Clinic location displays, utilize the Total Charges to balance payments to WebPT Billing's Payment Balancing report.
  5. In WebPT Billing, open the Payments menu and select Payment Balancing
    Tip: You can use the Payment BalancingFull Access variation of this report to see payments that were posted by the RCM staff at WebPT.
  6. Select the same Location you used for the Payment Log within Analytics. Select Posting Date from the By (required) drop-down. Enter the same date range in the From and Through Date fields. Click Search.
  7. From the records shown, filter the results to display only payments collected through the integration. For the User header, click on the Filter icon and select Integration Import, Not mapped to a user, then click FilterTip: To automatically calculate a total, you can Group the report by the User column.
  8. Compare the payment totals.
    1. WebPT Billing: Payment Balancing
    2. WebPT Analytics: Payment Log

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