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Released 835s Report

This report is a summary that displays information about 835s (ERAs) that have been released or closed at any point. It displays when they were closed or released and by whom. If ERAs were released, it also shows the number of errors, when the error report was closed, and who it was closed by. You can also view the error reports from this page.

Access Released 835s

Open the Payments menu and select Released 835s.

Released 835s Search Criteria

To begin a search, you must enter a Company ID along with the EOB Start and End Date. You can also enter a specific check number. Click Search

Released 835s Report

The report displays a summary of information related to ERAs that have been released or closed through the Release ERA process. The report includes blue drill-down links for the Check Number as well as the Amount of Errors to view the EOB detail or to view the Error Report. 

  1. Released: Date the EOB was released from the system 
  2. Processed: Date the EOB was released or closed.
  3. Released By: Name of the user who released or closed the EOB.
  4. Amount of Errors: Link to the Error Report. The Error Report opens in a new tab and you have the option to print the report by clicking print at the bottom of the screen. Click here for a list of common errors and their resolutions.
  5. Error Report Closed By: The name of the user that worked the Error Report.
  6. Error Report Closed Date: The date the report was closed.
  7. Release Status: Indicates the EOB was released.
  8. Closed Status accompanied with a processed date: The EOB was released but no dollar amount was posted. In this scenario, the EOB belongs in your past billing system, you may want to print this EOB to post in the old billing system.
  9. Close Status without a processed date: The EOB was closed and not released.
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