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Error Report Cheat Sheet

Let's review the errors you'll encounter when working your Release 835s page, and what steps you’ll need to take to resolve them.  

Important: We recommend you work your Error Report within 48 hours from the time the ERA was auto-posted to ensure proper accounting and balancing. Always verify the total amount posted matches the EOB paid amount. Error Reports do not alert you if the total amount posted does not match the paid amount of the EOB.  So, it is imperative that you balance the amount auto-posted by running one of the Payment Balancing Reports.

Release 835s Process

  1. Error reports appear once you've released ERA's using the Release 835s process. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view associated errors. 
  2. Click on the blue link in the last column to open a detailed Error Report view. This report will open a pop-up window.
  3. This report includes a list of errors or exceptions (in the Error Desc column) that you’ll need to review, as an action may be required. 
  4. The table below is a list of the most common error descriptions and the recommended action for each error. 
  5. Once you finish working an error report and balance the EOB, click the Close checkbox on the left side of the page and then click Close at the bottom of the page. You can close multiple error reports at the same time. After you close an error report, it no longer displays on this page.

Errors: Action Required

For some of the listed actions below, you will need to access Standard Payments. This is found by selecting Payment > Batch Payments, and/or Error Corrections, which is also found under the Payment menu. 

Error Description Action
Account has a payment sticky note(s) Payment did not post during Release Process. Post payment manually and follow the instructions detailed on Sticky Note. For more information, click here.
Account, Date of Service, CPT code, and units combination was not found
Post payment manually after determining where the payment should be applied. Payment may need to be posted to the insurance over-line if the Date of Service or CPT code was billed out of WebPT Billing and is now inactive. Payment may need to be applied to the previous billing software.
Patient account was not found
Post payment manually. The patient account number does not match a WebPT Billing account number. Search by patient name. If not found, check inactive patients and/or previous billing system. Payment may need to be applied to the previous billing software.
Matching Inbound Payer ID not found
Verify the payer released is the same payer listed on the patient's account. If the payer matches, send check information revequip@webpt.com to request inbound payer id to be added to the payer record.
Charge left with a credit balance
Correct account using Error Corrections. EOB auto-posted and left a credit on the CPT code listed on the Error Report.  Determine if credit is correct or if an action needs to be taken.
(Reason Code) adjustment excluded
The adjustment did not apply to the CPT code listed on the Error Report. Determine if this is a denial. If it is a denial, no action needed. This denial will be listed on the Zero Pay Report for the Billing Staff to work. If an adjustment needs to post during the auto-posting, email revequip@webpt.com requesting adjustment reason code to be added to the release process. Include the clinic code, check number and reason code that you would like added. If an adjustment is posting during the release process that should not adjust, email revequip@webpt.com requesting the adjustment reason code to be excluded during the release process. Include the clinic code, check number and reason code you would like excluded.
Units do not match
The units billed do not match the units paid on the CPT code listed on the Error Report. Check account in Error Corrections selecting inactives to see if the units were updated. Post the payment appropriately. This error is often listed for all CPT codes where a payer reimburses a flat, contracted rate and does not pay per billed unit. You’ll need to determine which payers you can ignore this error for.
Negative Adjustment Posted
The CPT code listed on the Error Report included a negative adjustment on the electronic EOB listed in the adjustment column. It is important to check these accounts using Error Corrections to make sure an incorrect balance has not moved out to the patient or secondary. Some payers that post the entire payment to one CPT code will use negative adjustments to apply a balance to the next available payer or patient. You will need to determine which payers you do not need to verify accounts are correct.
Missing a CPT Code Correct posting in Error Corrections.

Payer Rule for Inbound ID xxx/Payer Code xxx combination does not exist

The system could not find a Payer Rule for the Inbound ID/Payer Code combination.
  • Self-Service Members: To resolve, verify if the Inbound ID is attached to the Payer, then navigate to Add/Edit Payer Rules page to add the new rule. 
  • RevEquip: To resolve, verify if the Inbound ID is attached to the Payer, then email revequip@webpt.com to request rules be established for Inbound ID/Payer Code combination.

Note: When the system can’t find a rule for this specific Inbound ID/Payer Combo, it’ll use the first rule it finds for just the Inbound ID.

Errors: No Action Required

Error Description Action
No Error No action needed. EOB released with no errors.

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