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Open Zero Payments

This report will display any ERA that contains a zero payment amount. While this often represents a denial, it also represents situations in which the primary insurance didn't pay simply because the patient has a deductible amount and was sent to the patient's secondary insurance.

Limited Release: To reduce non-actionable items, any $0.00 payments associated with CO 45, PR 1, PR 2, PR 3, and OA 23 CARC codes will not be included in the report. However, $0.00 payments associated with PR/CO 119 code will be included.

Work Your Denials

  1. Navigate to the Denial Management menu and select Open Zero Payments.
  2. Select a Company from the drop-down menu and click Search.
  3. The results are displayed below. 
    Important: You should work ERAs with a Release Date first to avoid issues with posting payments to accounts with a remaining deductible. Unreleased ERA will automatically appear at the bottom of the list.
  4. To view the specific patients and service lines that have been denied, select the 835 Key link on the desired ERA.
  5. The claim details will be shown. Just like a paper EOB, denial/reason codes are defined in the Remark and Adjustment Code section at the bottom of the page.
    1. Under the Notes section, the number of characters allowed is limited so we recommend leaving Account Notes when you take any action to resolve a denied charge. 
    Was the ERA denied for being a duplicate? Verify it was posted in your old billing system and then close the ERA.
  6. After reviewing the denial and taking the appropriate action to resolve the charge, close each line item individually by clicking the checkbox, then selecting the Close button. Alternatively, you can click Select All, followed by selecting Close.

  7. WebPT Billing will automatically notate an account whose electronic denial was closed. The note will include the Check # of the ERA, the username that closed the line, and a timestamp.
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