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Month End: Associated Payments by Date of Service

The Associated Payments Month End report displays a breakdown of total dollars posted in a specific month by insurance class. The information indicates the total dollar amount of the posted payments applied to Dates of Service 0-30, aged greater than one month, etc. This is useful in determining the timing for received collections/payments. This report also includes unassigned payments.

Note: This report is a static snapshot of your billing data taken when the month was closed. It is captured after all Month End procedures are completed in WebPT Billing. Any changes will be reflected in the next month's data. 
  1. Navigate to the Month End Reports menu and select Associated Payments by Date of Service.
  2. Complete the required fields, then click Search.
  3. The results display below.

Column Descriptions

  • Clinic Name: Name of the clinic
  • Insurance Class: The identifier assigned to the insurance class
  • Insurance Class Description: The insurance class description
  • Unassigned Payments: Payments that have not been assigned to a charge. These are typically patient payments waiting to be allocated based on system rules.
  • 0-30 Days: Contains payments received for dates of service less than 30 days old
  • 30 Days: Contains payments received for dates of service between 30-59 days old
  • 60 Days: Contains payments received for dates of service between 60-89 days old
  • 90 Days: Contains payments received for dates of service between 90-119 days old
  • 120 Days: Contains payments received for dates of service between 120-149 days old
  • 150 Days: Contains payments received for dates of service between 150-179 days old
  • 180 Days: Contains payments received for dates of service greater than  179 days old
  • Total Payments: Total payments applied to dates of service within the month
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