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Expected Rates Analysis Report

The Expected Rates Analysis Report is designed to provide insight into variances between expected rates and received insurance and patient payments. With this report, you can enter a percentage variance to filter the results of payments posted over or under a certain percentage.

How to Run the Report

  1. Navigate to the Reports menu and select Expected Rates Analysis Report.
  2. Enter your desired Search Criteria, then click Search.
    1. Company (required): The Company defaults to the company you’re currently logged into. Use the drop-down menu to select a different company, if applicable.
    2. Location (required): The Location menu defaults to All Locations. Use the drop-down menu to select a specific location.
    3. Insurance Code/Class: Either Insurance Class or Insurance Code is required to run the report. You can select multiple codes or classes.
    4. Date Range (required): Date of Service the payment was posted.
    5. Percentage: Enter a Percentage to see a specific range of variance percentages.
  3. The results below show the expected payment amounts and received payment variances by Insurance and patient payments.
    1. Deposit Date: Date the payment was posted. 
    2. Date of Service: Date of service associated with the charge.
    3. CPT: CPT Code the insurance payment was posted against. 
    4. Payment: The dollar amount (insurance and patient payments) received and posted against the CPT code. 
    5. Expected: The dollar amount configured within the expected rates set up. 
    6. Variance $: The dollar amount difference between the expected rate and the payment amount posted
    7. Variance %: The percent difference between the expected rate and the payment amount posted. The Variance percentage calculation is the difference between the expected rate and payment amount, divided by the expected rate, then multiplied by 100.
Note: With this report, you have the ability to sort and filter information to get to the key metrics that are important. To review how, click here.
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