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How to Use Reports

Let’s review how to manipulate reports to pinpoint specific information. You have the ability to drill down, sort, and filter the information to get to the key metrics that are important to maintaining your practice and running the company. We are going to use the Insurance Class Summary as our example.

Search Criteria

Any field labeled as (required) will need to be filled before the report can be generated. Tip: Enter "00" into a date field to automatically populate today's date.


Several reports require you to use horizontal scrolling to see all of the information.  Tip: Maximize your browser window to prevent excessive scrolling.


Some fields contain clickable hyperlinks. Clicking on one of these fields allows you to drill-down into the report for further information. For this example, we want to see more information about Medicare, so let's click the MC Insurance Class Code.

This particular drill-down shows all the insurances that you have tied to the Medicare insurance class. Notice that we can drill down again; this time on the Insurance Code.

Important: Whenever you see an Account #, that is a direct link to that specific patient's account page.


Allows you to group your report by column. This feature only applies to certain reports. This example uses the Payment Audit Summary. 

Click on the column of choice, then drag and drop the column in the grouping area. 

Click the (X) to remove the column from the grouping area. 


Click a column header to sort in:

  • Ascending Order 

  • Descending Order 

  • Default 


A filter icon displays next to each column heading. You use the Filter Icon to filter what appears on the report based on the information in the column.

Print and Export

Use the buttons located at the bottom-right of each report to print or export the results to a CSV file.

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