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Payment Productivity

The Payment Productivity report allows you to view the payments posted by each user through the Release 835 and Batch Payments pages.

Review the Payment Productivity Report

  1. Navigate to the Payments menu and select Payment Productivity.
  2. Enter in the Search Criteria, then click Search. The date range entered cannot exceed 31 days.
  3. The search results will populate the users that meet the search criteria. Important: Payments posted by Integration Import, Not mapped to a user are your patient payments that come through the integration from the EMR.
  4. Click Date Detail or Deposit Detail to view the details about the payments posted, including Payment Codes and Check Numbers.
    1. The Date Detail drill down will show the payment detail by date.
    2. The Deposit Detail drill down shows the detailed deposit information for each posted payment.
Note: With this report, you have the ability to drill down, sort, and filter information to get to the key metrics that are important. Click here to review how.
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