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Add and Edit A Referral Source

You can manually create and track referral sources in WebPT Billing. However, we recommend managing your referrals in the WebPT EMR, as there are many reporting options available for both physician and non-physician referral sources in EMR and Analytics Reporting. This provides a more complete picture than is available in Billing. 

Add A Referral Source

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu, then select Referral Sources
  2. Click New.  Note: Clicking Search will display all Referral Sources that are already in the system. We can recommend checking the list before you add a new referral source. The sources will be sorted in order by Source Description.
  3. Click the Search Icon to select a Referral Source Type ID

  4. Enter in a Source Description of choice. 
  5. Type in the referral source’s demographic information, then click Save
  6. You will receive a confirmation message at the top of your screen that the Referral Source has been added.

Edit A Referral Source 

Use these steps to edit an existing Referral Source. 

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu and select Referral Sources. 
  2. Type in the Description or Type ID of the source you would like to edit and click Search. 
  3. Double-click on the Referral Source to open the profile. 
  4. Enter in the information you would like to edit. 
  5. Click Save at the bottom right to receive a confirmation message. 
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