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Referring Physician Summary

The Referring Physician Summary report will list each referring physician and provide information related to that physician. 

  1. Click on the Reports menu option and select Referring Physician Summary. 
  2. Select the desired search criteria and click Search. The Referring Physician can also be linked to a Medical Group, which groups referring physicians for reporting reasons.
  3. The results will list each Referring Physician that meets the criteria. The report lists the physician demographic information as well as the number of New Patients, Visits, and Charges. 
  4. Click on the Referring Physician Last Name to view the patient detail log. 
  5. The patient detail log displays the Patient ID, Patient Name, if they are a New Patient, the Insurance Class, number of Charges, Payments, and Adjustments. 
  6. Click the Patient ID to open the patient's account. 
  7. Print or Export any of these pages for further review if desired. 
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