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Medical Groups

The Medical Groups feature allows you to group referring physicians together for reporting purposes. This article will cover:

Create The Medical Group

  1. Begin by clicking Admin, and select Medical Groups. 
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Type in the desired name of the Medical Group and click Save
  4. You will then receive a confirmation message at the top of your screen. 
  5. The system will automatically create a Medical Group ID for the group itself. 

Attach Group to Physician

To attach the group, you must add it to the physician profile.

  1. Start by going to Admin, and select Referring Physicians. 
  2. Type in the name of the physician or click search to view the list for all physicians. 
  3. Double-click on the physician of choice to open their profile. 
  4. Click the dropdown for the Medical Group field and select the desired group. 
  5. Click Save at the bottom right corner.

Reporting: Referring Physician Summary

The Referring Physician Summary report will allow you to filter or group by Medical Group.

  1. Click on the Reports menu option and select Referring Physician Summary. 
  2. The search criteria will allow you to choose a Medical Group, if desired. The results will only show the physicians attached to that group. If you do not select a group, you can filter the report by Medical Group once the results populate.  
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