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Release Claim Delay

The following functionality is available to RevEquip and Self Service Members. If you are a RevServe member, please email updates@webpt.com.

Once a charge is placed on the Delayed Claims report, the only way to release delayed charges—to be scrubbed and billed—is the Release Claim Delay page. Remember, you should only use the Release Claim Delay once the charge has been worked. For example, if a charge was on Delayed Claims for a missing authorization, you would release the claim from this page once that authorization has been obtained and added to the patient’s case.

Important: The system will not stop you from releasing claims that have not been worked, they will just reappear on this report after the next nightly scrubbing process.

  1. Navigate to Billing and choose Release Claim Delay
  2. You can include report parameters using the available fields, like entering a From and Through date. Use the Search button to run the report. 
  3. Place a checkmark in the Select box for each charge you want to release. Alternatively, you can check the Select All button which is the box to the left of the Patient ID column. 

  4. Click Save at the bottom right corner. 
  5. You’ll receive a confirmation message.  Note: If you select no charges and click save, an error message will display at the top of your screen.

  6. The charge(s) is released into "D" status and will be scrubbed overnight to determine its next step. 
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