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Add or Update Practice

Practices are a great way to group your various clinic Locations. When a Company has more than one TIN, many users will use this feature to group their Locations by TIN. Also, this is often done to help delegate work appropriately among your staff. Previous setups we have seen show that users have separated their Locations by region (North, East, etc.), state (Arizona, Utah), and even by Medicare MAC (JL Novitas, JM Palmetto, JE Noridian, etc.). Your Onboarding Specialist will create your initial Practice, as this is required to add a location. If you plan on adding more than one Practice, we recommend mapping out which locations belong to each practice prior to creating your hierarchy in the system.

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu and select Practices

  2. Click NewNote: If you click the Search button on the Practices screen, the list of practices will be automatically sorted in alphabetical order by Practice Description.
  3. Enter a unique Practice Code
    1. Provide a Practice Description to further explain what each Practice is for.
    2. Make sure that Is Active remains checked.
    3. Click Save.
  4. If needed, repeat Steps 2-6 to add additional Practices.

For your reference, here is a basic view of how the company hierarchy is often set up in the system: 

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