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Patient Header

Let’s review the information available in the patient header.  Important: The case with the most recent Start of Care date will be selected by default.

Patient Header - Unexpanded View

The patient header is shown in the unexpanded view when it first displays. Patient fields are non-case specific and refer to the patient information.

  1. Patient Name and Patient ID #: Click to expand the patient header, or double-click to open the patient's account page.
  2. Date of Birth, Gender, and Phone Number: The date of the patient's birth, current age, patient's gender, and primary phone number on the account.
  3. Tasks: This icon allows you to access, add, and complete patient tasks. The number in the badge indicates the number of open tasks.
  4. Account Notes: Click to open the Account Note window to view or add an Account Note.
  5. Print Patient Receipts: Click to print a receipt for a single patient payment.
  6. Information: Hover to see additional information about the patient's current. See the screenshot below.
  7. Collections: The flag denotes a patient whose account is in collections.
  8. Ins Class: The Insurance Class assigned to the primary payer of the selected case.
  9. Ins Name: The name of the primary payer of the selected case.

Patient Header - Expanded View

The expanded view of the patient header contains all the same field and icon information seen on the unexpanded view, as well as the items defined below.

  1. Case: Use this drop-down to switch between cases. This is an easy way to quickly see basic information.
  2. Comments: Any comments that have been added to the patient's account.
  3. Status: The status of the selected case (i.e., Active, Inactive).
  4. Ins Address: For the selected Case, this is the primary insurance address.
  5. Group Number: The patient's Group Number for the primary insurance attached to the selected Case.
  6. Policy Number: The patient's Policy Number for the primary insurance attached to the selected Case.
  7. Ins Phone: For the selected Case, this is the primary insurance's phone number.
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