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Reset Password

Users can reset their password from the login page, or an admin can reset a user's password from the Users page.

Reset Expired Password

Users are prompted to change their password every 90 days. 

  1. When signing in with an expired password, you'll receive an alert. Click OK.
  2. You'll be directed to the Manage My Account page. Click Edit.
  3. Complete the Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password fields.
    1. Passwords must contain at least 8 characters, including three of the following:
      1. Uppercase character (A through Z)
      2. Lowercase character (a through z)
      3. Number (0 through 9)
      4. Special character (i.e., ! @ # $ % ^ & = ? _ . , : ; \ - )

  4. Click Save. You'll be navigated to the Dashboard and receive the following confirmation message. 

Reset My Password

  1. From the login page (https://billing.revflow.com/login), click the Forgot password? link. 
  2. Enter your username, then click the Submit button. 
  3. Check your email and click on the password reset link. 
  4. Enter your new password in both fields. Passwords must contain at least 8 characters, including three of the following:
    1. Uppercase character (A through Z)
    2. Lowercase character (a through z)
    3. Number (0 through 9)
    4. Special character (i.e., ! @ # $ % ^ & = ? _ . , : ; \ - )

  5. Click Reset Password.
  6. Navigate back to the WebPT Billing login screen to enter your username and new password.

Reset a User’s Password

If a user in your practice has forgotten their password, Admin users can create a new password for the user.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Users

  2. Locate the user, using filters as needed. Then, double-click on the user record to open.
  3. In the Password field, type a new password for the user. The password strength must equal Strong.

  4. Click Save. 
  5. Provide the user with their new password. 

Reset Your Own Password

If you are already logged in, you can use the following steps to reset your own password.

  1. Open the User menu and select Manage My Account.
  2. Edit your profile.
  3. Enter your Old Password into the corresponding field. 

  4. Enter your New Password and then Confirm Password.
  5. Click Save.
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