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Required Patient Information

Patient information, including demographics, case details, charge data, and patient payments, flow into WebPT Billing from the WebPT EMR.

Creating Patient & Case

To ensure that data flows into WebPT Billing correctly, there are a few key things to remember when initially creating the patient or updating patient information. Patients should always be created using the Add Patient link in the WebPT EMR. This method ensures the most complete patient profile and results in the fewest rejection errors.

Follow the instructions on how to add a patient. All required fields and the patient's middle initial will import into WebPT Billing. If the guarantor is not the patient, the guarantor's required information and middle initial will appear in the patient's Billing case under the Subscriber section. In addition to the fields required by the WebPT EMR, we’ve included all the key information required for a successful import of patient information into WebPT Billing below.


  • The Address Type must be Home and marked as Primary. If you choose a different Address Type, the patient will appear on Billing Exceptions. This is the address that will be used for mailing patient statements. Note: Only the primary address flows into WebPT Billing.
  • A 5 or 9-digit Postal Code is required. A 9-digit Postal Code is required for Medicare patients, for billing supplies, or for treating the patient at home

Contact Info

  • Only the Phone Number marked as Primary flows into WebPT Billing.
  • Do not include an extension. This will create an Invalid Billing Phone Number rejection in WebPT Billing.


  • If you do not include the patient’s Social Security Number, this field will generate as 999999999 in WebPT Billing.
  • For Worker's Compensation, you must add the patient's Social Security Number.


  • You must include Policy Dates when adding an insurance to the patient's chart.  
  • If the insurance is Worker’s Compensation, you must enter the claim number in the Subscriber ID field and the Claim Number field. 
  • In instances where the insurance is Worker’s Comp, and the insured is not the patient, you’ll be required to enter in Employer details including Claim Number, Employer’s Name, Address, and Phone Number.


  • In the Related Cause section, only four reasons directly correlate to selections in WebPT Billing:
    • Auto Accident (At Fault/No Fault) - Selected for auto injuries and indicate accident date and state.
    • Employment Injury - Selected for injuries covered by Worker’s Compensation.
    • Other Accident - Select this option for insurances that required the date of injury or onset date.
    • None of the Above - Selected if treatment is not related to an injury and the insurance does not require an injury date.
  • If an Authorization is required, you must include the authorization number to avoid a Pending Authorization rejection in WebPT Billing. You may use 0000 as a placeholder authorization number if needed. Important: You cannot include any extra characters such as a period or space after entering the authorization. This will result in a Pending Authorization rejection as well. 
  • If the KX modifier is needed, you’ll need to select the KX radio button from the Apply Modifier section.

Patient Profile in WebPT Billing

Once the patient is saved in WebPT, the patient profile imports into WebPT Billing, including Responsible Party/Guarantor information. If you have trouble locating your patient in WebPT Billing, double-check your Claims Feed Report and your Billing Exceptions.

Patient Case in WebPT Billing

The patient case will import into WebPT Billing after a billable note is finalized for the patient by an authorized provider (i.e not an assistant). Note: a placeholder initial evaluation will not allow the case to flow into WebPT Billing, as these notes do not contain charges.

Patient Notes

When patient documentation is finalized, the following information imports into WebPT Billing:

Key Dates

  • Date of Initial Evaluation will import as Case Effective Date and Assignment Date.
  • Date of Injury

Charge Information

  • Diagnosis codes
  • Treatment diagnosis codes
  • CPT/Procedural codes and their associated units
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