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Missing 835s (ERAs)

We’ve been alerted by our Members to an uptick in missing 835s. During the course of our investigation, we spoke with several clearinghouses who’ve indicated that payer changes—such as consolidation—are the primary cause for missing 835s (ERAs). Unfortunately, because we do not control how the payers manage their 835s, there is nothing we can do to prevent these issues from occurring. Please reach out to the clearinghouses directly to search for missing 835s.

What we can do is help reconcile the 835s back to your account. 

How will I know if I’m missing an 835?

Typically, you’ll notice the missing remits when balancing your payments or when closing your month.
Some examples include:
  • Receiving a check in the mail, but being unable to locate the corresponding 835 in WebPT Billing.
    • Navigation: Payments > 835 Company Summary
  • A deposit into your bank account, without a related 835.
Important: Please allow four business days after the receipt of the EFT/Check before following the missing 835 process below. This is the standard outlined in the Affordable Care Act.

I’m missing an 835, what should I do? 

For the quickest resolution, call the Payer directly and follow the steps below.

  1. Ask them to mail or fax a duplicate EOB. 
  2. Then, email edi.help@webpt.com to notify us of the missing 835(s) and provide the following information:
    1. Payer Name
    2. Check Number/EFT Number
    3. Check Date
    4. Check Amount
Important: These details are required to open an EDI ticket. 
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