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Patient Search

WebPT Billing provides two methods of searching for a patient:

  1. Patient Search
  2. Patient Search Bar

Patient Search

  1. When you first open the WebPT Billing application, you are presented with the Patient Search page. If you are working in a different part of the application and need to search for a patient, navigate to Patient > Patient Search.
  2. Enter identifying information into the provided fields. Click Search and the matching patient records will appear below. Tip: To view all patients, click Search without entering any criteria. 
  3. To view the patient’s account, double-click anywhere on their entry.
  4. Now you can review the patient’s demographic information. If you need to edit information in the patient chart, click the Edit Patient button. 

  1. If you are on a page that requires a specific patient, use the Patient Search Bar by clicking on the "Search for patient" text.
  2. Enter the patient’s Name or ID Number (Billing or EMR ID if applicable)
  3. This method displays the first 50 patients who match your entry, so if the patient you’re looking for is farther down the list, they won’t appear in the search results. Click the name of the appropriate patient from the list to open the patient's account. Note: If applicable, the EMR ID Number will be displayed next to the Billing ID number. 
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