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Add KX Modifier

The KX modifier is used for charges when the Medicare Therapy Threshold limitation has been met, the beneficiary’s condition requires further treatment, and there is justification for therapy services in the medical record. Note: While the KX modifier can be added within WebPT Billing, the case and documentation updates need to take place within the EMR.

Before You Begin

Review the Error Corrections article.

Modifier Fields

  1. On the Error Corrections page, use the Modifiers drop-down menu to select KX.Note: Medicare does not accept Corrected Claims and must be resubmitted. 
  2. If you need to rebill the charge, check the Rebill box.
  3. Click Save.

Modifier Ordering

Medicare charges also require that a Therapy Modifier (GP, GO, GN) be attached to each service code. The system has these modifiers hardcoded for Medicare, meaning that they will generate automatically. You will not see these modifiers when reviewing charge data on the patient ledger and there is no need for you to add them to the charges in Charge Entry or in Error Corrections.

In addition to Therapy Modifiers, another commonly used modifier is 59 (Distinct Procedural Service). The system also has built-in logic to automatically add this modifier to charges, where appropriate. However, this modifier will display on charges.

If you need to add a KX modifier to a charge that already has a 59 modifier listed, you will need to move the 59 to the second modifier position.

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