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835 Company Summary

This report displays 835s (ERAs) that have loaded into the system.

  1. Open the Payments menu, and select 835 Company Summary.
  2. Enter a Date or Date Range for the 835s that you are interested in and click Search. The dates entered are the issue dates of the 835s, not the Dates of Service. Note: This date range cannot exceed a year.
  3. The report displays 835 information such as Check Number, Payer Name, and the Total for the date range you specified. To view a copy of the 835, click on the Check Number.
    : You can quickly identify which Dates of Service were sent from WebPT Billing by looking at the patient’s account number. The Account number will always start with your clinic code which in this example is S44. 
    Note: With this report, you have the ability to group, drill down, sort, and filter information to get to the key metrics that are important. To review, see: How to Use Reports.
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