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Month End: Insurance Class Aging by Current Insurance

This Insurance Class Breakdown by Location report breaks down the total of your Accounts Receivable by insurance class. This information provides you with a better understanding of your A/R and aged A/R.

Run the Report

  1. Navigate to the Month End Reports menu and select Insurance Class Aging by Current Insurance.
  2. Indicate the Company, Practice, Location, Month, and Year you want to analyze, then click Search.
  3. Results display below. Drill Down on each individual Insurance Class to see a breakdown by each insurance within the class.
    1. Insurance Class: The code assigned to a particular payer or group of payers
    2. Insurance Class Description: A description of the Ins Class
    3. Location: The Clinic Location(s) included
    4. Current, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180: Amount of outstanding charges within the aging bucket. For example, amounts in the 60 bucket have been awaiting reimbursement for 60-89 days.
    5. Total: Calculated using the formula (Current + 30 + 60 + 90 + 120 + 150 + 180) 
  4. Important: The CP (Cash Patient) insurance class includes any unassigned payments.
  5. The drill-down displays the Dashboard Aging Detail by Current Insurance Within Class. Drill down further to view all patients within a specific Insurance Name and their corresponding aging.
  6. Lastly, you can drill down by each Account to view a list of Aging Detail for each patient.
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