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Dynamic Form Letters

The Dynamic Form Letters page allows you to create new Non-Global Form Letters and customize existing Global Letters to individualize them to your clinics’ needs.

In this Article:
Important: The Dynamic Form Letters page is available to Self Service Admin members only. If you are a RevEquip or RevServe member please reach out to webptbillingsupport@webpt.com to create new form letters or edit existing ones.

Creating Form Letters

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu and select Dynamic Form Letters.
  2. Select New to create a New Form Letter.
  3. In the details menu, enter the Name of your Form Letter and select which Company(s) you would like this letter to be visible in. Note: New Form Letters cannot be created as Global Letters. You will only be able to create letters for companies you have access to.
  4. At the top of your Form Letter template, utilize the Tool Bar to format your letter.
    1. B: Bold (Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl + B)
    2. I: Italics (Ctrl + I)
    3. U: Underline (Ctrl + U)
    4. Block Type: Block type allows you to create various headers and blockquotes.
    5. Font Size: Select from the following font size options.
    6. Font: Select from the following font styles.
    7. Unordered: Unordered/bullet list.
    8. Alignment: Choose from left, center, right, or justify align. 
    9. Undo/Redo: Utilize the Undo button to remove the last action or select the Redo button to reapply.
    10. Letter Variables: Letter variables are how our system determines what information needs to be auto-populated into the letter, like Patient ID or Current Date. This allows members to have one letter for all patients instead of customizing a letter for each scenario. When using Letter Variables, either select one from the drop-down or type out the variable within the letter. 
  5. In the Form Letter template, begin typing your letter and include Letter Variables and formatting options when needed. Utilize spacing in between headers and paragraphs to ensure your letter is clear and concise. Utilize the example template below as a reference. 
    Tip: Use Print Preview to see what your letter and variables will look like. The Letter Variables will now display the variable name. For example, if you enter “Dear $P2$, your balance is $A1$” in your template, the Print Preview will display as “Dear Patient’s Name your balance is Total Balance Due”. When you are at the Patient level, the patient’s info will default into the variables and you will see ”Dear John Smith your balance is $40.25.”

  6. Once you have finished editing your letter, select Save. An alert badge will display showing the letter has been saved.

Editing Form Letters

  1. Navigate to the Admin menu and select Dynamic Form Letters.
  2. Search for a specific Form Letter by Letter Name or click Search to view all. Leave Companies set to All Companies. 
    Note: If you can’t find the letter you are looking for, check the Include Inactive box and click Search again.
  3. Scroll down until you find the letter you would like to edit and double click on the Letter Name to open.
  4. If the form letter you would like to customize is a Global Form Letter, you will need to first save a copy. Click on the ellipses(…) next to Save, and select Save and Copy. 
      Note: If you do not create a copy for a Global Form Letter, you will only be able to edit the Companies that have access to it. For example, if you want to remove certain companies' access,  deselect each checkbox next to the Company’s name.
  5. Once you have created a copy, an alert badge will display notifying you that the original letter has been saved. On the same page, you will now see a copy of the original form letter. Rename the letter and select the Company(s) that should have access.
  6. Make the desired changes to the Form Letter, updating the Letter Variables and formatting options where needed. Include spacing in between headers and paragraphs to ensure your letter is clear and concise. Before saving, double-check what your letter will look like by clicking on Print Preview.

  7. When you have finished making your changes, click Save.
  8. An alert badge will display once the letter has been saved. 
    Ready to send out a Form Letter to a patient? Follow the steps in this article!
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