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Bulk Payment Updates

*This product is currently in Limited Release to a select group of Members and will be gradually rolled out over the following weeks.

The Bulk Payment Updates page allows you to edit specific information for multiple Patient Payments at once, including Check Number, Deposit Date, Batch Number, and Payment Code. This allows you to save time and create more efficient workflows, instead of having to edit patient payments individually on the Error Corrections page.

Navigating the Bulk Payments Updates Page

  1. Navigate to the Payments menu and select Bulk Payment Updates.
  2. Enter in your desired Search Criteria, then click Search. Note: The (*) indicates a required field, however, you only need to include one of the following in your search: Check/Credit Card Auth Number, Deposit Date Range, Batch Number, or Patient ID.
  3. The results display below. Use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the list to see the Payment Code column.
    Note: Need to narrow down the results? Click here to learn more about how to filter and sort this report.
  4. Check the box for each payment you would like to edit.
  5. Once selected, you have the option to update the payment’s Check/Credit Card Auth Number, Deposit Date, Batch Number, and/or Payment Code. Select Apply to make these changes. Note: The Deposit Date cannot be updated for a payment that is within a closed month and will be bolded in the search results.
  6. Once you apply the changes, an Alert Badge will display showing that the payment(s) were updated.
  7.  The update will clear out the original search results, however, the search criteria will retain its initial selections. If you would like to review the payment updates or make more changes, click Search
  8.  Find the payment(s) to review that the changes were successful. 


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