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Adjustments By Location Report

The Adjustments by Location report shows adjustments broken down by practice and/or location. 

  1. Navigate to the Reports menu and select Adjustments by Location.
  2. Enter your search criteria and click Search
    1. The Company defaults to the company you’re currently logged into. Use the drop-down menu to select a different company, if applicable.
    2. The Practice and Location both default to All Practices. Narrow your search results by selecting a Practice and/or Location. Otherwise, you can leave these fields set to All.
    3. You must select a Start and End Date for the Date Range.
  3. The search results display below showing all Adjustments Codes used and their totals. Click on an Adjustment Code to see all patient accounts to which that code was applied.
  4. A list of patients and adjustment details will display. Click on the Patient ID to open the patient account.
  5. Lastly, click on Detail for more information about the Adjustment’s Date of Service, Procedure Code, and Adjustment Amount.

Note: With this report, you have the ability to drill down, sort, and filter information to get to the key metrics that are important. To review how, click here.
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