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Error Corrections

This page is used to make corrections or changes to payments and adjustments made on a patient’s account. You have the ability to:

  • View inactivated charges
  • Move patient payments back to unassigned payments
  • Move or transfer insurance payments
  • Attach authorizations
  • Remove or edit for payments and adjustments
  • Update incorrectly applied adjustments
  • Add Modifiers and POC

To make changes to payments and adjustments:

  1. Open the Payments menu and select Error Corrections.
     Note: If you have not yet selected a patient you will be prompted to do so when you reach the Error Corrections screen.
  2. Enter your search criteria and click Search.
    1. The Charge ID is the unique numeric value automatically assigned by the system to each charge. 
    2. Use the Show Inactive checkbox to view charges that were inactivated by the system, this typically occurs when charges for a particular date of services are changed by an addendum. Addendums that impact charges prompt the system to create new charges with their own unique Charge ID and inactivate the previous charges tied to the Date of Service. Common examples include updating the Date of Service or changing the number of units billed.
  3. All charges that match the search criteria display, sorted chronologically by the oldest Date of Service. Single charges will automatically open in Edit mode. Click the chevron next to a Charge ID to view additional rows for all payment and adjustment transactions related to that charge. Clicking the double chevron next to the Charge ID column will expand all charges for viewing.
  4. To edit the charge or related transaction details, click on the Charge ID. Clicking the Edit All button will expand all charges and transactions for editing.

    Note: Once a charge is viewed, the Charge ID link will be bolded and change color to indicate the charge has been viewed. This will help determine which charges you have viewed in order to proceed through the list without confusion. 
  5. Expanding a charge will display the Charge followed by any Payments/Adjustments. Always use caution when making changes as it can affect other aspects of reporting or billing. Note: If the field is grayed out, you are not able to make a change in that field.

    Important: In order to edit the Charge Amount field, the setting, Allow CPT Edit, must be checked for each code within the Revenue Center Note: You cannot delete or edit a charge that has a Payment or Adjustment tied to it.
    1. Charge: This section contains information about the charge and allows you to make updates and rebill. One of the most common reasons you would edit the charge is to add an authorization (primary or secondary) and rebill. In the Charge section, you can also add and update Modifiers and Diagnosis Codes as well as reorder them by simply dragging and dropping them in the desired order. Note: You cannot add or update the Modifiers to ‘NC - No Claim’ if the charge has a Payment or Adjustment tied to it. 
    2. Payments/Adjustments: This section shows all payments, adjustments, and transfers that have been posted for this charge including insurance and patient payments. Here you can update key reporting variables such as Payment or Adjustment Code. You can also update posting amounts, delete incorrectly posted items, or move the transactions. 
      Selecting the Delete button for all Payments/Adjustments under a charge will activate the Delete button at the Charge level. A charge will not be eligible for deletion if any Payments/Adjustments are tied to it.
      Important: Users cannot Delete payments/adjustments unless they have access to the Error Corrections - Delete Payment permission. If you need access to this feature, please reach out to your Admin.

      Note: Verify that the PR and CO Adjustment Qualifiers follow these requirements. If the Payment/Adjustment does not already have an Adjustment Qualifier, then it will default to NA.
  6. After you make your necessary corrections, select Save. If no changes are made, click Cancel to back out of the detail page.
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