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Charges: Billing Workflow

Let's quickly review how charges flow from the WebPT EMR to Billing after a note is finalized. We'll focus on the key pages you'll be interacting with to ensure the charges flow into WebPT Billing and are billed to the patient's primary insurance.

  1. Check the WebPT EMR’s Missed Notes Report. SOAP 2.0 users should check the Analytics Missed Notes Report. Were all patient visits documented and finalized?
  2. Confirm all appropriate charges have a "Transmission Successful" message on the WebPT EMR Claims Feed Report
  3. Work and resolve relevant entries in the Billing Exceptions worklist.
  4.  Check the Charge Review list and pend any charges that you'd like to prevent from billing. Charges on this worklist are in T status
    1. Self-Service Members should also work the Pended Charges worklist, located on the Charge Audit page. Charges on this report are in P status and require a manual release to bill.
  5. Once the charges are released (either automatically or manually) from the Charge Review and/or Pended Charges page, the charges will go through WebPT Billing's claim scrubbing process that evening. Charges that pass the process will be billed out, charges that fail or have been pended will appear on the Delayed Claims page.
  6. Print paper claims from the Batch Claims page.

  7. Work your Delayed Claims. You may need to complete items like attaching an authorization or providing provider certification information to updates@webpt.com (RevServe/RevEquip only).
  8. Once you've resolved your delayed claims, use the Release Claim Delay page to resend the worked charges back through the scrubbing process.
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