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Uploading Billing Packets to FileZilla

Use FileZilla when you are ready to upload scanned documents to the secure WebPT FTP site. 

Note: Before uploading your billing packets, we recommend creating a main designated folder titled WebPT Billing Payments and Mail to store your packets. Within that folder, we recommend creating an archived or uploaded packets folder to keep track of those that have or have not been uploaded to FileZilla. For more information, refer to: Create Your Billing Packets.

Uploading Billing Packets to FileZilla

  1. Click the Site Manager icon and select WebPT Billing to automatically be connected to the server.
  2. Select the folder where you store your scanned documents in the Local Site box and all available documents will be available directly below.
  3. Open the main folder that was named WebPT Billing Payments and Mail.
  4. Once the folder is open, highlight all documents you would like to scan, drag and drop them to the Remote Site box to the right. This will automatically initiate the file transfer process. 

  5. Once you successfully upload your file(s), you should receive a confirmation email from corpitreports@webpt.com. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, please reach out to imagingdepartment@webpt.com and include your clinic code with your inquiry. 

Things to Remember 

  • Scan your documents in a PDF format or mail your billing packets on a weekly basis.
  • The last batch of the month should be sent to us no later than the third business day of the following month.
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