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Edit a Patient's Case

While we recommend editing cases in the WebPT EMR to ensure data and billing consistency, there are some circumstances where a case needs to be edited in WebPT Billing. 

Some common reasons you’ll need to edit a case in Billing include: 

  • An incorrect subscriber ID was manually updated in WebPT Billing and the charges need to be rebilled. 
  • The patient case was discharged and the Discharge Date needs to be added to the case. 

Edit Case

Let's review how to edit a patient's case.

  1. Open the patient’s account and click on Cases.
  2. Double-click on the case you need to edit.
  3. Click Edit Case in the bottom-right corner.
  4. Make your updates.
    Note: The Delete button only deletes newly added authorization lines during the current edit. If an authorization has been entered and saved, it can only be inactivated, not deleted.
  5. Once you've completed your updates, it is essential that you choose the appropriate Save option. Click the ellipsis (...) to see more Save options. All Save options will not automatically re-bill any charges.

    1. Save: Selecting this option saves any updates you made to the case. This is useful if you are simply adding or updating information that does not require previous charges to be rebilled, such as including a Discharge Date.
    2. Save and go to Claim Indicators: Selecting this option saves any updates you made to the case and directly navigates you to the Claim Indicator page to submit corrected claims if applicable.
    3. Save and go to Demand Claims: Selecting this option saves any updates you made to the case and directly navigates you to the Demand Claims page to make the necessary updates to create any needed claims.
Important: The ability to click the various Save options is dependent on user permissions. If you need access to these options, please reach out to your administrator.
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