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Provider Charge Report

Provider Charge Report provides a high-level view of a provider’s productivity. This includes the number of new patients treated and dollar amount of charges billed within the selected date range.

  1. Start by clicking Reports, then Provider Charge Report
  2. Complete each of the fields in the search criteria, then click Search
  3. The results will populate all providers within the search criteria.
  4. The report will display the following information for each provider: 
    1. New Patients: number of visits where an initial evaluation code was billed.
    2. Visits: The number of billable Dates of Service attributed to the provider.
    3. Units: The number of total units billed for those visits. 
    4. Charges: The total dollar amount billed.
    5. Charges/Visit: Shows the average dollar amount charges per visit. 
  5. You can view the patients associated with the provider by clicking on the Provider Name.
  6. Here you can view the number of Visits, Units, and Charges for each patient. You can also access their chart by clicking on the Patient ID.
  7. Click the Treating Prov link on the search results page.
    1. This allows you to view the New Patients, number of Visits, Units, and Charges for the treating provider. A Treating Provider is someone who helped with the patient’s treatment but their information will not appear on the claim (this is typically a therapist assistant or provider waiting on credentialing). 
  8. Click the Billing Prov Only link on the search results page.
  9. This allows you to view the New patients, number of Visits, Units, and Charges for the Billing Provider if it is different from the Treating Provider. The Billing Provider is the provider whose information will appear on the claim. 
  10. Export or Print the report, patient list, or provider page(s) as needed. 
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