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Matching Inbound Payer ID not found

If you receive the Matching Inbound Payer ID not found error, this means the system cannot match the Payer ID to the insurance listed on the patient's case. This is a soft error which means the payment was posted to the account for the date of service, however, if this is the patient's secondary payer, it will post with adjustments that need to be removed. You'll see this often with the Matching Inbound Payer ID Not Found; Charge left with a Credit Balance error pair. 

First, determine whether this is occurring for one patient or for all patients with insurances tied to that payer. 

Limited to One Patient

If the issue is limited to one patient, verify that the insurance is present on the patient's case and the details match what was released. 

This can occur if:

  • The patient's insurance changed but it was not added to the patient's case in the WebPT EMR. 
  • The insurance was added to the wrong case.
  • The secondary was not added to the case.

Occurring for All Patients with that Payer

If this is occurring for all patients with that insurance, there is an issue with the payer ID. 

  • RevEquip: Send the check information to revequip@webpt.com to request the Inbound Payer ID be added to the payer record.
  • Self-Service: Add the Payer ID to the Inbound IDs field in the Company Specific Overrides card on the Payers page. Click here to learn more.
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