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Insurance Overpayment Summary

The Insurance Overpayment Summary displays all posted insurance overpayments by patient and who posted the overpayment. Any payments posted with the CPT Code INSOVER will appear on this list.

Note: Insurance overpayments are posted on the Unassigned Payments page with the Ins Overpayment transaction type. 

Let’s review how to access the Insurance Overpayment Summary.

  1. Navigate to the Payments menu and select Insurance Overpayment Summary.
  2. All insurance overpayments posted to the company display. You can sort and/or filter the data by who posted the overpayment, patient, date of service, or the overpayment amount.
  3. You have the option to filter what displays in the list by clicking the filter icon next to the column header.
    1. Then, select the items you want to filter by and click Filter.
  4. You can also change the order of the list by descending or ascending order. To do this, click on the column header and it will change the order of the list.
  5. Finally, click on the corresponding Patient ID to open the patient’s account.
  6. Then, you will be directed to the patient’s profile in WebPT Billing.
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