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Patients in Collections

Patients in Collections is a list of patients with the collections flag enabled on their patient account. This report can help you follow up on collection balances that have been resolved and remove the collections flag from the patient’s account.

Let’s review how to access the Patients in the Collections list. 
  1. Navigate to the AR Follow-up menu and select Patients in Collections.
  2. For the Search Criteria, select the appropriate Company, Practice, and Location. If you want to see information from all practices and locations, leave it set to “All” and click Search.
  3. A list of Patients in Collections displays below. To drill down into the details of a patient’s account, click on the corresponding Patient ID.
     Note: Need to narrow down the results? Click here to learn more about how to filter and sort this report.
  4. To remove the patient from the collections list, uncheck the collections checkbox in the Financial section of their patient profile.

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