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Custom Payment Codes

Payment Codes are those available for selection when posting payments (Batch Payments and Unassigned Payments pages). The default Payment Code is set on the Insurance Classes page. Standard options are already included in your account, but additional ones can be created for reporting purposes.

Important: The following functionality is now available to existing RevEquip Members, however, this page is permission-based. Only specific service types and user roles have access to add/edit codes. Contact your admin if you need access to this feature.
  1. Start by selecting Payments, then click Payment Code.
  2. Click New.
  3. Type in a Payment Code and a Payment Description then select the appropriate functions if needed.

    1. Available to Clinic: Gives a Partner or Customer user access to payment code in the manual entry on Unassigned Payments page.
    2. Copay Flag: Makes payment code visible in Unassigned Payments during manual payment entry. Note: It may take overnight for the code to appear here.
    3. Insurance Indicator: If selected, this payment code will be available on the Batch Payments page for use when posting payments and adjustments.
    4. Is Active: Will automatically be selected. Uncheck this box to deactivate a payment code.
  4. Click Save to receive a confirmation message.
Note: Newly added custom payment codes may need to batch overnight before they appear on the Unassigned Payments Page.
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