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Cross-Company Summary

View monthly visits, charges, payments, and adjustments for all your companies in a quick roll-up view with the Cross-Company Summary report. 

  1. Begin by clicking Reports, then Cross-Company Summary
  2. Fill in each field and click Search.
    1. Report Charges By
      1. Posted Date: the date charges imported into WebPT Billing.
      2. Date of Service: the date when the patient was seen.
    2. Report Payments By
      1. Posted Date: the day the payment was posted in WebPT Billing.
      2. Deposit Date: the deposit date used when posting payments.
  3. The results will show each Parent Company that meets the criteria. Each of the Parent Company's Visits, Charges, Payments, and Adjustments will be listed as a lump sum, and then totaled at the bottom of the report. 
  4. Drill down the report by clicking on the Parent Company or Place of Service Visits (POS Visits).
  5. Parent Company Drill Down: Once you click on the Parent Company the report will show a list of each Company Code and Company Name
  6. Click on the Company Name to drill down into each location linked to that company. You can then see each individual Location Code, Location Name, Visits, Charges, Payments, and Adjustments. 

  7. Place of Service Visits Drill Down: If you click on the POS Visits for a Parent Company, it will list each Company Code, Company Name, Location Code, Location Name, Visits, Charges, Payments, and Adjustments.

  8. Print or Export these lists for further review. 

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