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Insurance Class Summary

The Insurance Class Summary report allows you to track new patients, number of visits, and charge information for the chosen date range. This report is similar to the Provider Class Summary, except charges are displayed by Insurance Class and Insurance instead of by Provider.

  1. From the Reports menu, select Insurance Class Summary.
  2. To run the report, a selection must be made for each Search Criteria.
    1. Filter by Company, Practice, and Location.
      1. Filter by Place of Service Identifier. This is the place of service where the treatment took place (this is what appears on the claim). 
      2. Include From and Through Dates. Charges pull into this report by Date of Service, and Payments/Adjustments will pull into the report based on Posting Date.
  3. After selecting your criteria, click Search to view your results.
  4. Your initial results display all insurance classes active in the company and the associated information about visit, charge, and payment. Click on the Insurance Class Code to view individual insurances.
  5. Here, you’ll view all active insurances related to that insurance class and their associated visit, charge, and payment data. Click on the Insurance Code to view individual patient information. If an insurance was not billed during the date range entered, you’ll see zeros across the row.
  6. Here, each patient’s information is displayed. You’ll also be able to see if the patient is new by a “Y” in the New Patient column. Click on the Account # field to open the patient’s account.

Report Column Definitions

Column Description
Visits Count of the total Dates of Service (i.e. Billable, finalized notes)
Units Count of units billed for the Dates of Service
New Patients Number of patients where an initial evaluation code was billed (97161-97163, 97165-97167, 92605, 92521, 92522)
Charges Total dollar amount for all units (included by Date of Service)
Payments All payments made by insurance or patient (included by Posting Date)
Adjustments Dollar amount adjusted by insurance or patient (included by Posting Date)
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