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Procedure Code Status

Incomplete Procedure Codes appear on the Incomplete Constants report and won’t bill until the required fields are completed. However, users have the ability to mark a Procedure Code as complete in order to allow it to bill. This is useful if you need to bill an insurance for a previous Date of Service using a code that may be unacceptable per current billing rules.

  1. Begin by selecting Charges, then Procedure Code Status.
  2. Type in the Procedure Code and click Search.
  3. The procedure code will populate. The Complete column is blank, indicating the procedure code is incomplete.
  4. Select the Procedure Code by checking the box.
  5. Click Update in the bottom right corner.
  6. You'll receive a success message at the top of your screen and a checkmark appears in the Complete column.
  7. You will now be able to use this code for billing.
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