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Follow-Up Activity Report

Utilize the Follow-Up Activity report to manage the productivity of your users working the AR.

Important: Only one user's activity details can be generated at a time. There is no batch option. 

Accessing the Report 

  1. Navigate to AR Follow Up and select Follow-Up Activity Report
  2.  Select the Parent Company, Company, and User you are auditing from the corresponding drop-down menu. Then enter the desired audit range in the From and Through Date fields. Note: The date range can not exceed a 31-day time frame. 
  3. Click Search

Using the Report

  1. Total Action Accounts: The number shown (i.e. 5) represents the number of unique patient accounts where the most recent Account Note code was an action code. Download a list of all Account Note codes. Note codes that are action codes are indicated by a Yes in the Action Code column.  
  2. Action: The number of patient accounts where an Account Note with an Action code was added (i.e. 7 patient accounts, not 7 notes). The number does not show the total number of action code notes added overall, just the number of patient accounts where one or more action code notes were added.
  3. Misc: The number of patient accounts where a Miscellaneous Note was added. The number does not show the total number of misc notes added overall, just the number of patient accounts where one or more misc notes were added.
  4. Info: The number of patient accounts where an Info Note was added. The number does not show the total number of info notes added overall, just the number of patient accounts where one or more info notes were added.
  5. ZeroPay: The number of patient accounts that had a Zero Payment 835 closed. The number does not show the total number of zero pays closed, just the number of patient accounts where one or more zero pays were closed.
  6. User: The user ID generated by the system that worked these accounts.
  7. Company Code: code specific to the company the user was working in.
  8. Location: The location the patient accounts are related to.
  9. Patient ID: The patient's account number.
  10. Patient: The name of the patient that was worked.
  11. Adjustment Amount: The amount that was adjusted off of the patient's balance.
  12. Adjustment Code: If an amount was adjusted, the corresponding reason code populates.
  13. Date: The date and time (PST) of the activity.
  14. Rebill: Indicates if a claim was re-billed.
  15. Note Code: The type of Note that was added to the account.
  16. Notes: The description of the note.

Audit Follow-Up Activity Examples

  1. Ensure that Note types are being used correctly as it affects reporting. Status Notes should only be used when the entire account has been worked and you are expecting a resolution without any more effort on your end. 
  2. Verify that each note has enough detail to stand on its own. For this example, the user did not mention why they need to contact the patient, or what the conversation should be about. 
  3. Confirm that any actions mentioned in a note were actually performed. For this example, you would verify the amount the patient is expected to pay with each installment. 
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